
  • Configuring WMI on Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 for Application Performance Monitor
    helpful post 2010. 11. 9. 14:25


    The following items must be secured before attempting to monitor a target application server with Application Performance Monitor WMI monitors.
    User Account
    Depending on your implementation, supply one of the following as credentials for the APM credentials database:

    For domain-based authentication, a domain account with membership in the Administrators group on the monitored application server

    For workgroup authentication, a local user account with membership in the Administrators group on the monitored application server
    For more information, see “Checking Application Performance Monitor Credentials Group Memberships” on page 1.
    Default and Limits permissions edited to allow the following actions:

    Local launch (default permission)

    Remote launch (default permission)

    Local activation (limits permission)

    Remote activation (limits permission)
    For more information, see “Enabling DCOM” on page 2.
    WMI Namespaces
    Modify the SIMV2 security to enable and remote enable the account used to access the server or workstation through WMI. You must ensure the security change applies to the current namespace and subnamepaces. For more information, see “Enabling Account Privileges in WMI” on page 3.
    Windows Firewall
    Ensure Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) traffic can traverse the firewall. For more information, see “Allowing WMI through the Windows Firewall” on page 4.
    User Account Control
    Remote UAC access token filtering must be disabled when monitoring within a workgroup environment. For more information, see “Disabling Remote User Account Control for Workgroups” on page 4.
    Checking Application Performance Monitor Credentials Group Memberships
    Whether you are monitoring a Microsoft Vista Workstation or a server running Windows Server 2008, complete the following procedure to ensure the account specified in the Credentials Library has the appropriate permissions.
    To add your monitor account to the local administrator group of a Vista or Server 2008 computer:
    1. Log on to the computer you want to monitor with an administrator account.
    2. Navigate to Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Computer Management > Local Users and Groups > Groups. You need to switch to the Classic View of the Control Panel to use this navigation path.
    2 ¤ Configuring WMI on Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 for Application Performance Monitor
    3. Right-click Administrators, and then click Add to group.
    4. If the account you want to use is not currently a member of this group, complete the following procedure:
    a. Click Add on the Administrators Properties window.
    b. Type the name of the account you want to use to gather WMI statistics, and then click OK. This is the account you specify in the Credentials Library of Application Performance Monitor.
    Note: If you are adding an account to a workgroup computer, you cannot add a domain account. You must use a local account.
    5. Click OK on the Administrators Properties window, and then close the Computer Management window.
    Ensuring the Correct Application Performance Monitor Credentials Syntax
    When you specify an account for Application Performance Monitor to use for a WMI monitor, you add that account to the Application Performance Monitor Credentials Library. If the target to monitor is a member of a domain, specify the username of the credentials set as domainName\userName. If the target to monitor is a member of a workgroup, specify the username of the credentials set as userName.
    To add an account to the Credentials Library:
    1. Log on to the Orion Server with an administrator account.
    2. Launch the Web Console.
    3. Specify an Admin account and log on to the Orion Web Console.
    4. Click Application Performance Monitor in the Modules toolbar.
    5. Click APM Settings.
    6. Click Credentials Library.
    7. Click Add New Credential.
    8. Provide a friendly name for the credential set. Application Performance Monitor displays this name in the Credential for Monitoring field of monitors that accept credentials.
    9. Provide the user name and password, and then confirm the password and click Submit.
    Note: If you are providing windows credentials for accessing and harvesting information through WMI, ensure you provide the credentials in the following syntax: domainName\userName for domain credentials or userName for workgroup credentials.
    Enabling DCOM
    Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) uses DCOM to communicate with monitored target computers. Therefore, for Application Performance Monitor to use WMI, DCOM must be enabled and properly configured.
    To enable DCOM permissions for your Application Performance Monitor credentials:
    1. Log on to the computer you want to monitor with an administrator account.
    2. Navigate to Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Component Services. You need to switch to the Classic View of the Control Panel to use this navigation path. You can also launch this console by double-clicking comexp.msc in the /windows/system32 directory.
    Configuring WMI on Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 for Application Performance Monitor ¤ 3
    3. Expand Component Services > Computers.
    4. Right-click My Computer, and then select Properties.
    5. Select the COM Security tab, and then click Edit Limits in the Access Permissions grouping.
    6. Ensure the user account you want to use to collect WMI statistics has Local Access and Remote Access, and then click OK.
    7. Click Edit Default, and then ensure the user account you want to use to collect WMI statistics has Local Access and Remote Access,
    8. Click OK.
    9. Click Edit Limits in the Launch and Activation Permissions grouping.
    10. Ensure the user account you want to use to collect WMI statistics has Local Launch, Remote Launch, Local Activation, and Remote Activation, and then click OK.
    11. Click Edit Default, and then ensure the user account you want to use to collect WMI statistics Local Launch, Remote Launch, Local Activation, and Remote Activation.
    12. Click OK.
    Enabling Account Privileges in WMI
    The account you specify in the Credentials Library must possess security access to the namespace and subnamespaces of the monitored target computer. To enable these privileges, complete the following procedure.
    To enable namespace and subnamespaces privileges:
    1. Log on to the computer you want to monitor with an administrator account.
    2. Navigate to Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Computer Management > Services and Applications. You need to switch to the Classic View of the Control Panel to use this navigation path.
    3. Click WMI Control, and then right-click and select Properties.
    4. Select the Security tab, and then expand Root and click CIMV2.
    5. Click Security and then select the user account used to access this computer and ensure you grant the following permissions:

    Enable Account

    Remote Enable
    6. Click Advanced, and then select the user account used to access this computer.
    7. Click Edit, select This namespace and subnamespaces in the Apply to field, and then click OK.
    8. Click OK on the Advanced Security Settings for CIMV2 window.
    9. Click OK on the Security for Root\CIMV2 window.
    10. Click Services in the left navigation pane of Computer Management.
    11. Select Windows Management Instrumentation in the Services result pane, and then click Restart.
    4 ¤ Configuring WMI on Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 for Application Performance Monitor
    Allowing WMI through the Windows Firewall
    You must allow WMI traffic through the firewall of the monitored application server. The following procedure walks you through allowing WMI through the Windows Firewall.
    To allow WMI traffic through the Windows Firewall:
    1. Log on to the computer you want to monitor with an administrator account.
    2. Navigate to Start > Control Panel > Security Center. You need to switch to the Classic View of the Control Panel to use this navigation path.
    3. Click Windows Firewall in the left navigation pane.
    4. Click Allow a program through Windows Firewall in the left navigation pane.
    5. Check Windows Management Instumentation (WMI), and then click OK.
    Disabling Remote User Account Control for Workgroups
    If you are monitoring a target in a workgroup, you need to disable remote User Account Control (UAC). This is not recommended, but it is necessary when monitoring a workgroup computer. Disabling remote user account control does not disable local user account control functionality.
    Warning: The following procedure requires the modification or creation of a registry key. Changing the registry can have adverse effects on your computer and may result in an unbootable system. Consider backing up your registry before making these changes.
    To disable remote UAC for a workgroup computer:
    1. Log on to the computer you want to monitor with an administrator account.
    2. Click Start > Accessories > Command Prompt.
    3. Enter regedit.
    4. Expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System.
    5. Locate or create a DWORD entry named LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy and provide a DWORD value of 1.
    Note: To re-enable remote UAC, change this value to 0.

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